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Hello beautiful people!!!!! So I’m going through a mental breakdown…. I AM HALFWAY DONE WITH COLLEGE??!!!? WHAT. HOW. WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN. I am actually wondering because I don’t know how this is possible.  Time flies!  We’ve all been told this probably hundreds of times but its not until you see how far you’ve come that you realize it.

Looking back, there’s plenty of things I would have changed.  I read every blog post, every sappy letter that parents wrote to their children that went viral on the internet and every Teen Vogue article about “Preparing for College”, “How to Make the Best of Your Freshman Year” etc., etc.  Every single one brought a new point, a new perspective or an interesting thing I actively tried to do and/or avoid.  But there’s always room to learn more.

Here’s me, imagining I have the opportunity to go back in time, here’s exactly what I would tell my past self.

  1. Call home.

This is the EASIEST thing to do.  On your way to/from class, before bed, in between reading chapters for homework,  just do it.  You will never regret taking 5 minutes out of your day to call your family.  You might not miss them just yet, but they definitely miss you.

  1. Call your friends!

Freshman year I started out doing so well with this.  Keeping in touch with other college students is hard.  We all have classes at strange times, tons of homework and our fair share of ~nightlife~ but there is something so comforting about talking to someone who truly knows you.  Meeting people and connecting right away isn’t the easiest sometimes so definitely make it a point to keep up with some friends from home.  But don’t let this hold you back from making new friends.  This is a chance in your life to discover who you want to be and nothing is holding you back from becoming that person.  And I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you will most likely lose some of the people you previously thought were your BFFs.  In order to maintain friendships with the people you really car about, reach out.  They’ll be flattered and you’ll be happy you did.

  1. Make NEW friends

Going to a school where you knew PLENTY of people is bittersweet.  It’s nice to know you have a couple friends to fall back on but don’t rely on them.  This is your chance to meet new people from all around the world and create truly lasting friendships.  These are the people who are your classmates, floormates and possibly future coworkers.  Developing true friends your freshman year will be the ones who have your back for the next 3 years.  Trust me.  My freshman year roommates are my roommates now and the friends we made in the dorm are our backyard neighbors :’)  I have to thank my roomie Brandee Bell for this.  She went walking around each floor of our dorm scoping out open doors to meet new people during our first week.  It’s not weird. Channel your inner Brandee.  You and your new friends will be happy you did.

  1. Get involved!

I didn’t start getting involved until my sophomore year and I wish I would have right away!  You meet some amazing people through mutual interests.  And getting involved early leads to more leadership roles; even as a sophomore you can become president of your student org.  I’ve seen it happen!  It also helps you find your niche. This can lead you toward a new major or career path or steer you from one that you thought was a possibility.

  1. Hangout with your RA

Your RA plans a lot of things to do throughout the year.  They are students too and put their time into creating fun things to help you have a better year! Show some appreciation and use this as networking opportunity or just a chance to ask an upperclassman some questions.  Plus, there’s usually free food.

  1. Do not take that disgusting, smelly, dirty dorm for granted.

Trust me, you might hate it now but you are on campus, conveniently located to everything that you need.  Cherish this.

  1. And your meal plan, never take that for granted.

As much as you might miss your home cooked meals meal plans are a blessing in disguise.  They are THE EASIEST thing ever.  You will never again have prepaid meals available at essentially any hour of basically anything you’re craving.  Meal plans are the bomb. For real.

  1. Balance your time

I was lucky enough to meet my boyfriend literally my first day at OSU.  We clicked automatically and spent a bunch of time together.  While I don’t regret any of it I wish I would have had more balance.  Boyfriends and dating is great but don’t let it take away from time with friends or time spent studying.  I found myself drifting from my roommates because I spent so much time with him.  I totally get it; new relationships are super fun but try to stay balanced.


College = freedom!!!! This is the first time no one is accountable for you other than YOU! I know it’s SUPER easy to think “hmm they don’t take attendance and the notes are online so why would I go??” Well because college is SO different from high school.  Things move much faster and yes, lecture is not mandatory most of the time but it is so helpful.  Actually hearing things being taught rather than just reading them online is much more comprehensible.  This goes for office hours too.  If you’re confused, just go.  I had my fair share of skips and not once did I feel good about it when I was struggling on an exam or even the next class because I didn’t know what was discussed the previous day.  You’re paying for it, your parents are paying for it, your loans are paying for it, whatever it may be.  You’re paying for your education.  Try to make it worth the tens of thousands of dollars.

  1. Talk to people in your classes.

My first day of freshman year in an economics class I remember sitting in between a girl and a guy.  She looked over and said “I’m (fill in name here) I’m a junior so I’m used to this, let’s do it now.  Let’s exchange phone numbers so if we have questions or miss a class at least we have a couple people we can reach out to for help/notes.”  This was the smartest thing ever.  Be bold.  No one will ever say no to a possible help line.

  1. Be interested

Every single person can teach you something – a friend, professor or just someone in passing.  Take interest in their life, listen to their stories and ask questions.  If a friend is going home for the weekend text them and see how it’s going.  If a professor is doing some type of research that really interests you, ask questions about it.  This I learned from my roommate Julia.  She asks tons of questions to everyone she meets.  (sometimes too many) but she is genuinely interested in what people have to say and that is something that is so important in building and maintaining relationships, professional or personal.

  1. Lastly, BE YOURSELF!

This can be by far the EASIEST or the HARDEST thing to do.  Meeting so many new people can be stressful.  Some people you’ll vibe with right away. Others not so much.  Be authentic.  If you want to go out, go out. If you want a night in, stay in.  I am so lucky to have found the friends and roommates that I have because we all love each other’s authenticity.  We can talk to each other about our frustrations.  We can go to workout classes and Whole Foods runs together because we have found so many common interests just by being true to ourselves.  Yes, this is a time to grow and become the person you want to be but that doesn’t mean being someone you’re not or doing things you don’t want to do just to fit in.

I know that your freshman year is full of EXCITEMENT!!!!!! But college goes SO QUICKLY!! Never take a moment for granted.  I am not a school person but I am learning to love the positives. In the real world there are no summer or winter breaks to look forward to.  College is the only time when all of your friends live within a couple miles of each other and you can pick up and do literally anything with anyone at any moment!  Your roommates are within steps and more friends are usually just down the hall.  This is the best time of your life.  Best of luck and lots of love to all who read this! Stay friendly, organized and on top of yourself.  Make your freshman year an unforgettable one! xoxo

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